Source: models/helpers/set-id.js

'use strict';
const thinky = require('../../db');
const r = thinky.r;

 * Small utility module for IDs.
 * @namespace SetID

 * Get a handler that can be attached to a Thinky model as an instance method,
 * and that obtains a UUID to a document and assigns it, but does not save.
 * This is occasionally useful when we want to get an ID before saving.
 * @memberof SetID
 * @returns {Function}
 *   See {@link SetID~_setID}.
function getSetIDHandler() {

   * Obtain a UUID and assign it to the object as the `.id` property.
   * @returns {model}
   *  document of the model this handler was assigned to, with ID set, or
   *  unmodified if it already had one
   * @memberof SetID
   * @inner
   * @this model
  const _setID = async function() {
    let document = this;
    if (! = await r.uuid();
    return document;
  return _setID;


module.exports = getSetIDHandler;