Source: adapters/wikidata-autocomplete-adapter.js

/* global $, config, libreviews */
'use strict';

const AbstractAutocompleteAdapter = require('./abstract-autocomplete-adapter');

 * This module performs shallow lookups on Wikidata. They are shallow in that
 * they only load the information that needs to be displayed to the user in
 * their current language. The backend version of this adapter performs the
 * actual deep lookup for all languages.
 * @extends AbstractAutocompleteAdapter
class WikidataAutocompleteAdapter extends AbstractAutocompleteAdapter {

   * See {@link AbstractAutocompleteAdapter} for parameter documentation, not
   * shown here due to [jsdoc bug](
   * @inheritdoc
  constructor(updateCallback, searchBoxSelector) {
    super(updateCallback, searchBoxSelector);
    // Adapter settings
    this.sourceID = 'wikidata';
    this.supportedPattern = new RegExp('^http(s)*://(www.)*|wiki)/(Q\\d+)(?:#.*)?$', 'i');
    this.apiBaseURL = '';
    this.queryServiceBaseURL = '';

     * Because we exclude certain item classes (e.g., disambiguation pages), we
     * fetch a larger number of results than we may need, since we may eliminate
     * some of them. The ratio configured here has proven to strike a good
     * balance where few queries result in zero "good" results.
     * @type {Number}
    this.fetchResults = 25;

     * @see WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#fetchResults
     * @type {Number}
    this.displayResults = 7;

     * Timeout for query service validation requests in milliseconds
     * @type {Number}
    this.queryServiceTimeout = 5000;

     * Items with these classes are typically not going to be the target of
     * reviews.
     * @type {String[]}
    this.excludedItemClasses = [
      'Q4167410', // disambiguation page
      'Q17633526', // Wikinews article
      'Q11266439', // Template
      'Q4167836', // Category
      'Q14204246' // Wikimedia project page

     * How do language code translate to Wikidata language codes?
     * language code are used as keys, Wikidata codes as values.
     * Since Wikidata supports a superset of languages and most language code
     * are identical, we only enumerate exceptions.
     * @type {Object}
    this.nativeToWikidata = {
      pt: 'pt-br',
      'pt-PT': 'pt'


   * Look up a single item in Wikidata given its URL. Uses the MediaWiki API.
   * @param  {String} url
   *  the URL to look up
   * @returns {Promise}
   *  resolves to a {@link LookupResult} if successful, rejects with
   *  error if not.
  lookup(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let qNumber = (url.match(this.supportedPattern) || [])[4];
      if (!qNumber)
        return reject(new Error('URL does not appear to contain a Q number (e.g., Q42) or is not a Wikidata URL.'));

      // in case the URL had a lower case "q"
      qNumber = qNumber.toUpperCase();

      let language = this.nativeToWikidata[config.language] || config.language;
      language = language.toLowerCase();

      let queryObj = {
        action: 'wbgetentities',
        format: 'json',
        languages: language,
        uselang: language,
        languagefallback: 1,
        props: 'labels|descriptions',
        ids: qNumber

          url: this.apiBaseURL,
          jsonp: 'callback',
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          data: queryObj
        .done(data => {
          if (typeof data !== 'object' || !data.success || !data.entities || !data.entities[qNumber])
            return reject(new Error('Did not get a valid Wikidata entity for query: ' + qNumber));

          // Descriptions result will be an empty object if no description is available, so
          const entity = data.entities[qNumber];
          // will always pass this test
          if (!entity.labels || !entity.descriptions)
            return reject(new Error('Did not get label and description information for query: ' + qNumber));

          if (!entity.labels[language])
            return reject(new Error('Did not get a label for ' + qNumber + 'for the specified language: ' + language));

          let label = entity.labels[language].value,

          if (entity.descriptions[language])
            description = entity.descriptions[language].value;

            data: {
            sourceID: this.sourceID

  setupAutocomplete() {

     * We override the default, because we may display different text (stored
     * in this field) than what we pass along to the application (stored in the
     * label field). The display text may include a parenthetical component that
     * highlights a match against an alias, rather than the primary label.
     * @type {String}
     * @alias WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#acPrimaryTextKey
     */ = 'title';

     * We override the default; Wikidata can take more of a beating than some
     * other sites. :)
     * @type {Number}
     * @alias WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#acDelay
     */ = 0; = this._renderNavHandler.bind(; = this._extractRowHandler.bind(;

   * Send an autocomplete request to the Wikidata query service and render
   * the result using the autocomplete widget.
   * @param {String} query
   *  the query string
   * @param {Number} [offset]
   *  the offset from which to continue a previous query.
  _requestHandler(query, offset) {

    const time =;

    // Keep track of most recently fired query so we can ignore responses
    // coming in late
    if (this.latestQuery === undefined || this.latestQuery < time)
      this.latestQuery = time;

    this.results = [];
    query = query.trim();

    // Nothing to do - clear out the display & abort
    if (!query) {

    // Turn on spinner

    const language = this.adapter.nativeToWikidata[config.language] || config.language;

    // Build union filter of excluded item classes
    const excludedClassesStr = this.adapter.excludedItemClasses.reduce((str, qNumber) => {
      if (!str)
        str = `{ ?item wdt:P31 wd:${qNumber} }`;
        str += `\n      UNION { ?item wdt:P31 wd:${qNumber} }`;
      return str;
    }, '');

    let offsetStr = '',

    if (offset) {
      offsetStr = `bd:serviceParam mwapi:continue ${offset} .\n`;
      isFirstPage = false;
    } else {
      isFirstPage = true;
      // Keep track of the exact offsets used on previous pages, since
      // they vary due to client-side filtering
      this.prevStack = [];

    // String will be inside quotes, so let's make sure it can't get out :)
    const escapedQuery = query.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$&');

    // See
    // for more info about what's going on here.
    const sparqlQuery = `SELECT * WHERE {
      }  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
          bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "EntitySearch" .
          bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "" .
          bd:serviceParam mwapi:search "${escapedQuery}" .
          bd:serviceParam mwapi:language "${language}" .
          bd:serviceParam mwapi:uselang "${language}" .
          bd:serviceParam mwapi:limit ${this.adapter.fetchResults} .
          ?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item .
          ?url wikibase:apiOutput "@url" .
          ?label wikibase:apiOutput "@label" .
          ?matchText wikibase:apiOutput "match/@text"  .
          ?description wikibase:apiOutput "@description" .
          ?ordinal wikibase:apiOrdinal true
    ORDER BY ?ordinal`;

        url: this.adapter.queryServiceBaseURL,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
          query: sparqlQuery,
          format: 'json'
        timeout: this.adapter.queryServiceTimeout
      .done(data => {
        // Don't update if a more recent query has superseded this one
        if (time < this.latestQuery)

        this.results = [];

        if (typeof data !== 'object' || !data.results ||
          !data.results.bindings || !data.results.bindings.length) {
          // Render blank results and error, abort
        let i = 0;
        for (let item of data.results.bindings) {
          this.results.push(this.extractRow(item, query));
          if (i == this.adapter.displayResults)

        // Remember we intentionally tell the MW API to send a bit more than we
        // need, since some of it may have been filtered out by the SPARQL
        // query conditions. If we still got back more than we display, we
        // can now render the pagination. Alternatively, if this is already
        // a pagination request, the user should be able to go back as well :)
        const thereAreMoreResults = data.results.bindings.length >

        if (thereAreMoreResults || !isFirstPage)
            bindings: data.results.bindings,
            queryString: query

      .fail(_error => {
        // Show generic error
        // Turn off spinner

   * Transform a result from the Wikidata item into a row that can be rendered
   * by the autocomplete widget.
   * @param {Object} item
   *  a query result returned by the SPARQL query service (member of `bindings`
   *  array)
   * @param {String} queryString
   *  the original (unescaped) query string is used for highlighting the match
   *  in a composite title that includes both the label and the alias against
   *  which the query matched
   * @returns {Object}
   *  plain object that only contains the data we can use inside the
   *  application, plus a derived `title` property for rendering this row in
   *  the autocomplete widget.
   * @this WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#ac
  _extractRowHandler(item, queryString) {
    let row = {};
    row.url = `https:${item.url.value}`; // Returned URL is protocol relative

    if (item.label)
      // Title may be modified below
      row.title = row.label = item.label.value;

    if (item.description)
      row.description = item.description.value;

    // If the result does not contain the query string directly, but some
    // other part of the item such as its aliases returned a match, we
    // include the match in the rendered result (similar to the
    // search box).
    const isInexactMatch = typeof row.title == 'string' &&
      row.title.toUpperCase().indexOf(queryString.toUpperCase()) == -1;

    if (isInexactMatch && item.matchText)
      row.title += ` (${item.matchText.value})`;
    else if (!row.title && item.matchText)
      row.title = item.matchText.value;

    return row;

   * Render next/previous navigation within the autocomplete widget.
   * @param {Object} spec
   *  Navigation settings
   * @param {Boolean} spec.isFirstPage
   *  First page of results doesn't get a "previous page" icon and click handler
   *  that calls {@link WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#_requestHandler} (previously
   *  loaded results are not cached)
   * @param {Boolean} spec.thereAreMoreResults
   *  If true, render "next page" icon and attach click handler that calls
   *  request handler
   * @param {Array} spec.bindings
   *  the `bindings` property of a Wikidata query service result from a SPARQL
   *  query - this contains the actual search result data
   * @param {Number} spec.offset
   *  the offset that was used for the search we're rendering navigation for
   * @param {String} spec.queryString
   *  the original (unescaped) query string, used by the click handler to
   *  fire off subsequent requests
   * @this WikidataAutocompleteAdapter#ac
  _renderNavHandler(spec) {

    const {
    } = spec;

    // CSS classes for template
    const css = {
      prev: 'ac-adapter-get-prev',
      next: 'ac-adapter-get-next',
      wrap: 'ac-adapter-get-more',
      more: 'ac-adapter-more-results',
      active: 'ac-adapter-get-active',
      left: "fa fa-caret-left", // icon
      right: "fa fa-caret-right"

    // Access keys for navigation
    const keys = {
      prev: '<',
      next: '>'

    //  UI messages
    const msg = {
      more: libreviews.msg('more results'),
      prev: libreviews.msg('load previous page', { accessKey: keys.prev }),
      next: libreviews.msg('load next page', { accessKey: })

    // Templates
    const $navPlaceholder = $(`<div class="${css.prev}">&nbsp;</div>`),
      $navWrapper =
      $(`<div class="${css.wrap}"></div>`),
      $navMoreResultsText =
      $(`<div class="${css.more}">${msg.more}</div>`),
      $navPreviousPage =
      $(`<div accesskey="${keys.prev}" class="${css.prev} ${}" ` +
        `title="${msg.prev}"><span class="${css.left}">&nbsp;</span></div>`),
      $navNextPage =
      $(`<div class="${} ${}" accesskey="${}" ` +
        `title="${}"><span class="${css.right}">&nbsp;</span></div>`);

    const $wrapper = $(this.rowWrapperEl),
      $getMore = $navWrapper.appendTo($wrapper);

    // Add "previous page" navigation
    if (!isFirstPage) {
        .click(() => this.requestFn(queryString, this.prevStack.pop()));

    // The query helpfully returns an ordinal, the position of the result in
    // the result set _before_ the filter criteria (disambig pages etc.) are
    // applied. We can just continue from there.
    if (thereAreMoreResults) {
      const nextOffset = (offset || 0) +

      // Add whitespace placeholder
      if (isFirstPage)

      // Add "MORE RESULTS" centered text

      // Add "next page" navigation
        .click(() => {
          this.requestFn(queryString, nextOffset);
    } else if (!isFirstPage) {
      // Add "MORE RESULTS" centered text


module.exports = WikidataAutocompleteAdapter;