Opening up: community-controlled growth with invite links

Team blog: Developers is still in early development (we started work on the project in the summer), but we have enough basic functionality now to open up a little bit more. More than 100 reviews have been written on the platform to date, we have support for multiple languages, and we can organize reviews in teams (a bit like subreddits).

To get a few more folks involved, any member of the community can now help it grow. Anytime you write a review, you earn an invite link that you can share with someone you trust. They can use it to sign up on the site, join your favorite teams, and write reviews. Just let them know that things are still rough around the edges and basic features like search are still to come, so they aren’t too disappointed. :) Development help is, of course, always welcome - this is a true open source project.

We track who came through what link, so if we see anything nefarious going on, we can respond fairly quickly. But mostly, we look forward to meeting new folks interested in joining our quest to review the world :)