Woolworths South Africa


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4 stars
Pricey but many of the in-house products are worth the extra cost

Woolworths are the most upmarket of the South African retail stores. As such, they demand a premium price for their offering.

The more unique, prepared food products from the Woolworths Food line are worth the price, and it’s difficult to find better fresh produce elsewhere. I also appreciate that almost all of their food has the nutritional information included on the packaging.

Their in-house clothing, kitchen/bathroom products, and homeware are okay but nothing special. They’re a good option if one isn’t willing to pay a designer/brand price but also wants something better than one can get at other supermarket chains.

The stores themselves are always clean and orderly, which isn’t the case for other supermarkets.

My only disappointment is that there is a ridiculous markup on third-party and household cleaning products; one can never get all their shopping done at a Woolworths unless they’re willing to waste money.