Review: Basso KBH

4 stars
Super solid

While sightseeing in Copenhagen, I had a burger-shaped hole in my stomach, so naturally I had to stop here to sample one of the vegan burgers. All patties house-made, don’t ya know. Sadly, the regular patty was already sold out, but Robin had put together a replacement, which, I’m sure, tasted just as fine. It’s a tiny joint with super tasty ice tea and a free Mortal Combat machine - gives you something to do while waiting for the food (not that it was a long wait). The Roots-n-Green Burger was super tasty as were the fries. Highly recommended for a centrally located burger stop in Copenhagen.

Roots-n-Green Burger at Bob’s Streetfood in Copenhagen. (Own work. License: CC-BY-SA.)

Interior, Bob’s Streetfood Copenhagen. (Own work. License: CC-BY-SA.)

Interior, Bob’s Streetfood Copenhagen. (Own work. License: CC-BY-SA.)