Team: Vegans

Live and let live!

To review all vegetarian and vegan foods, clothing, bars, restaurants, markets, fairs and pretty much anything else.

Number of members: 18 (view list)

Number of reviews: 34


Team rules

Please make sure that you explicit whether the thin you’re reviewing is exclusively vegan, or vegetarian, or maybe just vegetarian-friendly. That will be helpful to readers.

5 stars
Bärta - Bitar Chili & Lime

Great product to work with and tastes great. These are very versatile and work well in stews or casseroles, but also on their own on skewers or as a snack. Would totally buy these again.

Packaging (Own work. License: CC-BY-SA.)

Panfried (Own work. License: CC-BY-SA.)

This team has not written any blog posts yet.