Atom feeds for "things"; testing fun

Team blog: Developers

You can now get Atom feeds for any “thing” that has been reviewed on For example, if you want to get any future reviews of Twitter (because why not), you can add this page to your feed reader:

This, incidentally, is a feature most review sites don’t have, even though it seems very obviously useful. Part of the reason is that it can be used to download large numbers of reviews, which most proprietary sites want to make difficult (when they do offer feeds, they’re often abridged versions of the content).

So, in total, we have feeds for 1) a user’s reviews, 2) all reviews across the site, 3) reviews of a given thing, 4) blog posts. That’s pretty good. Down the road, we’ll want to have team-level feeds as well. If we manage to get some teams going, that’ll make feeds a lot of fun – e.g., if you wanted a team that reviews products for eco-friendliness, that feed could in itself be a very useful resource.

For now it’s time to move on to evaluating a few different testing frameworks. ava looks interesting and may win out over mocha on the basis of speed and architecture. Along the way I also discovered nsp which is one of those packages that makes me happy. It checks all your installed dependencies for known security issues - no muss, no fuss. Nice.