Wikidata property is live

Team blog: Developers

We can now connect review subject pages with items on Wikidata. This will make it easier, in future, for any application built on Wikidata to retrieve reviews associated with a Wikidata item.

Here’s an example Wikidata page for David Mitchell’s novel “The Bone Clocks”:

Note at the bottom of the page, there’s a section “Identifiers” which links to the page:

This page has all reviews of “The Bone Clocks” (currently just one, feel free to add yours if you’ve read the novel ;-).

Thanks to User:Pizzaiolo for proposing the Wikidata property, which was enabled today. To use it on any Wikidata item, just add the following property to the item:

This is just a small first step towards integrating with Wikidata, but it is an important one.